Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Finishing for first class results

Monday, December 1, 2008
I have not had a chance to respond to your e-mails, but I'll get there!
Evan, we managed to get the coating that you recommended for the plug. We tried several places and between only selling the paint in 5l tins at R1600.00 we finally managed to get a litre. I hope it is the correct one! the trade name is SIGMAGUARD HS which is described as a two component high solids polyamine cured epoxy coating and comes in a green grey colour.
The curing times seem to be a bit of an issue as it is described as 20 hours min between coats and 10 days for final cure.....
That means we will only cast our moulds in January......
Vic has given up on us and has proceeded to build a fuse out of balsa. (He has the time and it's his preferred building technique anyway) It may be a blessing in disguise as we can use the prototype to iron out all the gremlins. We'll post some pictures as he progresses.
Meanwhile Daron and I can dream about our future composite plane and colour schemes whilst we wait!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Thanks for the support that you have provided so far. I must say that some things you mentioned are so logical that I can't believe we never thought it thru such as casting the otherside of the mould without removing the Plug.

Plug number 2
Anyway, The new plug has been shaped and layered up with one 50g cloth and one 200g layer. We have re sanded and got back to shape with minor blemishes.
Should we put on another layer of glass, as I noticed the previous plug developed small pressure indentations during the final sanding and polishing phase?
Our wings are progressing well with some help from Vic Oxley who is an old hand at constructing built up wings. He has kindly undertaken to construct the wings for us. We would love to try bagging, but without a vacuum pump and the suitable knowledge, we will leave this process in abeyance for the time being.
Vic has been building and flying in our area for the last thirty years or so!

Vic Oxley hard at work in his workshop
The foam cores have been cut and he has elected to build a balsa covered wing which poses a bit of head scratching as regards the fixing of the wing to the body.
The thought has been to cut the"canopy" opening down to the bottom edge below the wing so that the wing can be bolted down to the lower section of the fuse and the enlarged canopy will be shaped to the top of the wing profile. It may help to have a removable wing and we are looking to put a centrally placed servo for the ailerons....
We're getting ahead of ourselves!
Thanks for all your positive comments and support.
Kind regards
Johann & Daron
Monday, November 17, 2008
Johann & Daron
It was about messing around on the Internet, browsing to see what planes were around, when we happened to come across the Jart web site. After looking around the local builders and seeing Adrian's build thread it made us believe we too could build this plane..... how hard could it be?
The fact that neither of us had built a scratch plane (balsa or glass), other than damage repair, did not deter us.
We sourced some Iso board and shaped the plug... so far so good
Then read up on all the epoxy and paint coating specs.....
glassed and painted....
( not without mishaps)
And we were the proud parents of a Plug!!!!
All shiny and smooth.

Friday, November 7, 2008
Progress - down the twisty road now!!
poured it in the gap. The leading edge was dug out to about 50mm to seat the alignment peg - a 5mm diameter length of music wire fitted with an alignment tool - just an old printed circuit board with two holes drilled through it.
A bit of paint, some articulation and a new twf pnf toy is born!!
ArticulationSide on -
Full turn!
Look Ma, no elevator- no aileron ................ no Brakes!!
Just two servo's to fit (DS8711's with plenty amandla) and a ledge for the canopy and were are done.
ps - anyone else done a twf Jart in SA?
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tabooish build thread at http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=634176 )

Well, no more excuses, the layup on this one is all glass, 1 of 25g veil cloth, 2 off 163g and a half span strip of 163g all on the bias.
Much anticipation later, burnt out the old switch on the vacuum pump, replaced on the fly and out came the wings, sheer magic, biggest bagging job yet, check the leading edge! (all untrimmed and not yet sanded at all)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
It Flies what else?
Monday, July 21, 2008
Joiner success!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Time to do it again!
The aluminium tube used to make the carbon wing joiner rod took a lot longer to dissolve in caustic soda than I had thought. Thanks Mike for the suggestion to put Dremel grooves on each side almost right though - even then it took two days to get through the grooves!
The calculation I used was 40% carbon 60% resin (very pessimistic) and when wet out it was way too easy to pull through the tube. I increased the carbon to 50% by area and it was much tighter so I left it at that.
Clearly not quite enough carbon as you can see - next time it's 60% carbon and if that isn't a really tight fit then add a bit more!
Just to make it a full house the motor I installed to power my vacuum pump had a faulty nameplate. It says it's S1 duty rated, i.e. continuous running but this was incorrect leading to massive heat build up and bad smells! It was set to run for half an hour then wait an hour as the vacuum regulator switch is giving problems. (It was not pressing foam but a wing mould so the very high vacuum was ok).
Oh well, the wing is next, just after the vacuum pump is re-built and a quick trip to the Berg next week!
Anyone know where to get a proper vacuum switch – Festo’s one is nearly R1000 while Joewoodworker.com’s sells one for only $25 but won’t ship to South Africa!?
Monday, June 30, 2008
Hot Jart
Monday, June 23, 2008
Wing progress
The joiner tube is a bit large so it needed filing down. The reason for the size is that the carbon joiner needs a fair amount of carbon in it and the aluminium tube is quite thick walled.
This is the joiner tube area after the first application of epoxy-cabosil-cotton flocks-micro balloon mixture. Some voids still need filling.
The aluminium tube with its carbon tows ready for insertion after resin application.
I am using the standard Reed specified S6062 at 7,95% thickness. For the stab I used an aramid leading edge but this was a bit tricky as I did it at the same time as the bagging! Not as per the experts and it was made even trickier because I only 3M77éd the stab halves together. Epoxy dissolves the bond after a short time...
For the wings Í discussed the layup with Craig (thanks!) and also used Joe Wurts' spreadsheet (http://www.charlesriverrc.org/artic...vacbaglayup.htm) which gives some comfort that things won't just break apart in mid air (as opposed to the more common/acceptable ground breakage!).
All the glass for the wings has been cut and is just waiting for the final sanding of the joiner tube areas while I debate whether to put on an aramid leading edge....
Friday, June 20, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
About to start
Here goes.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Jart 3 Canopy

Some good progress this last weekend on this build, I managed to join together all the big pieces,and it is now a Jart.
I fill the join lines and the wing shoulder gusset with micro balloons and some cloth on the wing and tailplane join lines.

After carefully cutting out the canopy, I make two small pieces in the mould, I dont spray the mould , the yellow in this case is pigment in the resin, these are the rough pieces on the wing nearest.

These pieces o about 4 layers of cloth are cut so that they fit on the inside of the fuselage and being flexable and more or less the right contour,
are easy to position and epoxy in place.

In this photo the lip is epoxied in place and the pegs hold two pieces of ply , which will be drilled to accept two small self tapping screws which hold the canopy on.

Next I need to cut out the ailerons and elevator and wire up the servos.
At the moment it weighs 740 grams and feels lightish but battery , radio gear and balancing will change all that.
Hope this one flies even better than the red one.

Some stripes next to tell the top from the bottom , important when doing rolls as these things roll , at a rate nothing short of a frenzy.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Jart 3

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
JART no 2 and 3

The fuselage came out nice and strong and is now ready to be cut for wings, tailplane and canopy.
The yellow wing is blue foam with 1 layer of 104 gr glass then a lengthways 100 gr UD carbon and finally a 163 gr glass at 45 degress, it all feels nice and stiff and now needs to be trimmed and cleaned up on the leading and trailing edges.
The current weight of these two parts is 680 grams , but it still needs assembly of a tailplane and radio gear. they fly great at about 1.2 to 1.5kg in a fair blow.
With several "white" model projects on the go I always keep my moulds waxed up , and if for some reason some mixed 2k is available I go ahead and spray any excess paint into the next mould , so white it is . These fuselages are also perfect for using up all those off cuts of glass , these I sort and store in seperate plastic bags by glass weight and shapes.

The third Jart out of the mould is going to be white , and I laid up some ud carbon cross ways
were the wing and taiplane bond onto the fuselage.
Some nice red and blue striping would make this an attractive colour scheme?
go build your own Jart.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Glen Jart progress
Again, many thanks to Mike May for his invaluable advice and motivation, especially during the epoxy and balloons/sanding stages.
Pictures of the project so far.....

Lots of carbon goodness for extra strength and vitalty.

Done at last - after lots of filling and sanding. Maybe my lack of glassing skills have something to do with it.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
See what Mike Ma(y)de me do!
By the way, this plane is being built for my flying buddy and neighbour Jacques, who will be assisting along the way.
Here is the progress (or lack of) so far....
Fuselage shaped out of isoboard foam, with first layer of very thin glass cloth added. Dont ask me details such as weight of glass cloth etc because I dont have a clue - I just do what Mike tells me to.....
More to follow in the coming months.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Mikes Jarts No 2,3

Monday, January 7, 2008
Mike's Jart

The first day the wind was ok for Zaggi flying but just not enough for the JART.
Thursday produced better conditions on the south slope so I decided to give the Jart a go.
It went straight out and only needed two clicks of up trim, left and right was spot on.
The video shows the moment of truth , unfortunately the wind dropped after a few minutes, and the jart just could not maintain altitude , it landed about 20 mtrs down the slope but was unharmed.
In the afternoon later in the day the wind swung easterly and we flew the eastern point , great lift and the Jart was, in its element it does all the things everyone raves about , its smooth flying when it has a some speed is most impressive , it does not like to be slowed down . The landing was down wind in a bit of a rotor and it cartwheeled on landing , slitting the nose open. That evening I rejoined the split which was on the join line with some cloth and it was good to go.

Saterday saw us back on the Northwest slope this time and at about 14-00 hours the air looked Jartish ready, this flight went off all wobbly until I realised I had the max rate set on my dual rate switch for ailerons a quick flick and she settled down nicely.
This flight was excellent and I pushed the Jart a little more with rolls and loops, what made it really special was that for the first time Blake my son stood next to me flying his Zaggi totally unaided so he has pretty much gone solo. The landing was fast and smooth with only a little flare, right at the end to prevent the nose(pointy in case you havent noticed)from spiking the ground.....

conclusion its a lovely design looks great in the air and is a perfornance machine ,well worth building one.
PS I have already started no 2. and have completed the fuselage already,I will post a mini build thread as I go , not so much the construction but the enhancements to the red no 1.
cheers for now.