The first day the wind was ok for Zaggi flying but just not enough for the JART.
Thursday produced better conditions on the south slope so I decided to give the Jart a go.
It went straight out and only needed two clicks of up trim, left and right was spot on.
The video shows the moment of truth , unfortunately the wind dropped after a few minutes, and the jart just could not maintain altitude , it landed about 20 mtrs down the slope but was unharmed.
In the afternoon later in the day the wind swung easterly and we flew the eastern point , great lift and the Jart was, in its element it does all the things everyone raves about , its smooth flying when it has a some speed is most impressive , it does not like to be slowed down . The landing was down wind in a bit of a rotor and it cartwheeled on landing , slitting the nose open. That evening I rejoined the split which was on the join line with some cloth and it was good to go.

Saterday saw us back on the Northwest slope this time and at about 14-00 hours the air looked Jartish ready, this flight went off all wobbly until I realised I had the max rate set on my dual rate switch for ailerons a quick flick and she settled down nicely.
This flight was excellent and I pushed the Jart a little more with rolls and loops, what made it really special was that for the first time Blake my son stood next to me flying his Zaggi totally unaided so he has pretty much gone solo. The landing was fast and smooth with only a little flare, right at the end to prevent the nose(pointy in case you havent noticed)from spiking the ground.....

conclusion its a lovely design looks great in the air and is a perfornance machine ,well worth building one.
PS I have already started no 2. and have completed the fuselage already,I will post a mini build thread as I go , not so much the construction but the enhancements to the red no 1.
cheers for now.
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