It was about messing around on the Internet, browsing to see what planes were around, when we happened to come across the Jart web site. After looking around the local builders and seeing Adrian's build thread it made us believe we too could build this plane..... how hard could it be?
The fact that neither of us had built a scratch plane (balsa or glass), other than damage repair, did not deter us.
We sourced some Iso board and shaped the plug... so far so good
Then read up on all the epoxy and paint coating specs.....
glassed and painted....
( not without mishaps)
And we were the proud parents of a Plug!!!!
All shiny and smooth.

This only lasted for 5 minutes until they discovered that it was all gooey and did not come off.
Jeez Johann, I know just how you must feel. Such a beautiful plug and then this?????
Everything looked so good!!!
But don't give up!
Take a few days off, have a beer or two or three or more. Kick the cat if you have to, (well not realy) but, as my dear old pappy used to say, "Get right back on that horse and start all over again"
The rewards are so amazing once you get it right.
We are rooting for you and look forward to the next phase.
Ouch Johan!
What a beauty that plug is!
There's a Jart thread on RC Groups called "It's better the second time around"!
That plug is too good to waste!!!
Let's see this Jart coming back, it's worth it!!
Hi Johann,
Nice work , carefully break out , the remaining ISO board and using a wet soft mixing stick scrape off the paint, if the gel coat is cured you can sand with 1200 water paper and polish with p600 cream , this will put the mold back into working order, you can contact me I would be glad to help, scratch building is all about over comming problems , and huge reward at the end. Keep at it and welcome to Jartdom.
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