Monday, December 31, 2007
Jart's Maiden flights at Volksrust -Trevor & co.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Joining the wings by Trevor & Co

After much sanding and finally getting the wings lined up with the fuzz, we needed to set the incidence on the wings and the stabilizer. Using the plan as a guide line,we used and incident meter to set everything up.

As we went along, things got easier, by the time we did the 3rd plane.
Once Kobus's Jart had been set, it was now time to mask off the stab and paint the fuzzes.
(At least some progress seemed to be taking place)
After struggling with Kobus's painting we finally had finished the three Jarts.

Evan has some photos of the Jart in action on the slope and said he will post them soon.(can't wait)
This has been a great project and we have enjoyed learning new ways of creating and building planes using carbon and fiberglass. We look forward to another project like this one.
The Fuzz (cont) by Trevor and co

We took this mould and polished the inside of the plastic and laid up some fibreglass and resin to create a canopy.

Once we had the canopies done,we put them on the fuzz in the correct position and drew a line around the canopy on the fuzz as our cut line.
Trevor's fuzz was the dummy run and the cut out was the same size as the canopy, but Kobus decided to cut his out smaller and allow his canopy to overlap the fuzz (This turned out to be the better option).
After removing the cut out it was time to clean out the fuzz with petrol. We were all looking forward to this because at this stage all our fuzzes were quite heavy.

To our amazement only about 30g, if that, was taken off the overall weight. It was now starting to take shape because we could start attaching the necessaries for the wings.

On our next postings we will follow up on joining the wings.
Trevor, Kobus & Wesley
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
All I want for Xmas is a RED HOT Jart.
However I quickly re-fueled it for him (hoping to score some brownie points) and hoping that he just might have one more Jart left amongst all his empty Christmas bags. But alas there was nothing.
There was one bag though, that looked quite full and rounded in the right places. He said that I can gladly keep this although it might not fly to well.
So I offered to look after it (hoping to score some more brownie points). He also gave me his Shotgun and some cartridges and said that I might need it in the process, as nobody is going to Hi Jack a Santa with a empty sledge on his way home.
Not wanting to disappoint the dear old fellow, I agreed to all his terms and conditions and soon he was on his Sledge and with afterburners glowing Red Hot (sounds familiar) he disappeared into late night sky. A happy fellow with his work done for the year.
Obviously I was disappointed at not getting my Jart for Xmas but I could not wait to see what he did given me for Christmas. So I rushed inside and this is what jumped out the bag!!!
Anyway, I am quite happy with this present. Don’t get any ideas guys. Remember the Shotgun!!!.
I will just have to compete my Jart in the New Year seeing as how Santa couldn't help!
Wishing all Jartists a Happy New Year.
Monday, December 24, 2007
email from Julian Kent (aka minifly on RCGroups)
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Journey to JARTdom - Part 2
Post 800 grade waterpaper sanding – a smooth sheen is starting to emerge
After two more coats of the 2K paint I had almost eliminated all the grain marks & join lines completely. I finally switched to a 1000 grade water paper & managed to get a “buffed” surface finish – if you wipe a wet cloth over it, it shines. I thought that the time for polishing had arrived. Using a sponge polishing pad borrowed from Evan, and some G3 polishing compound, that matt surface was quickly changed into a shiny “new car” finish & at last I had a plug that I was proud of.
I took it along to the BERG club (current home of the F3B Shongololo building group) for a show & tell were we fooled around a little for the photo’s. The list of aspirant building group members has started to grow (note to self: I will have to create a formal list once the molds are ready).
Next stage: building the mold