JART-70 Short Kits Are Here!
The photo above has two cool subjects in it - one is Jeff Fukushima, legendary slope designer (Vortech Models) and his finished version of the new JART-70.I asked Jeff to help me create a new mold for a 70" JART kit. He did not disappoint. After a few weeks of craftsmanship Jeff had produced a big, gorgeous plug for this larger version. Now, he's been kind enough to crack a few fuses out of that mold and make them available to us mere mortals.Six of these fuselages are currently available, along with a set of beautiful, CNC-cut, spiderfoam wing and stab cores. The cost for this short kit is $190, plus shipping, so if you're interested just send me an email at reed@jartworld.com and I'll work out the total amount for you.Don't hesitate on these! Jeff says he'll make more when he has a chance, but there is no guarantee when that will be. This is pure love-of-the-craft, out-of-the-home-shop stuff - ain't nothin' mass-produced about these babies!

Folks, we are sooooo close I can almost taste it. My push is to have kits ready for you by mid-December. But here's the biggest news - I've decided to go all out for this one! The new kit will have carbon wings, a beefy, rectangular carbon joiner, generous flaps, and even a rudder option. The design was always meant to be versatile, but now it will be hard to beat - fast, aerobatic and able to float down for a landing. Best of all the price will still be very reasonable. In fact, I'm going to try to keep it down around $300, plus shipping.Just to whet your appetite, I'm including an image of the CAD-generated file that will be used to tool this new beauty...

We have a few EPP kits available for those who like a bouncier plane. Same great quality you're used to with these kits: pre-shaped fuselage, clean-cut wings, carefully chosen wood, full hardware package, build instruction CD...about all you need is glue and covering!Kits are $150 plus shipping. Email me at reed@jartworld.com and I'll give you a total for your PayPal payment, personal check or money order.
Here's a shot of the kit and some finished versions...
It hasn't always been easy, but knowing that people are out there who know and care about the JART always keeps me moving forward, trying new things, hoping to find ways to help folks enjoy the sport of RC soaring.
So thanks for keeping me in the game!
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