When you receive e-mails stating " I keep looking on the JART-SA blog hoping to see someones Jart progress but nada, niks, and zero." you know the pressure is mounting.
Well to recap, we shaped and glassed plug number 2. There was some debate as to the finishing coats and unfortunately we applied some epoxy coating that ended in disaster. The full curing time was 10 days which conveniently fell over the Christmas holidays.
Plug number 2
Epoxy coating gone wrong


Plug set in the splitter board

De lamination of the K2, probably due to the adhesion to the
epoxy finishing coat remaining in places after sanding.

And finally! The mould had to be cleaned off, but
came out beautifully

4mm studs used as locating lugs

Bench flying!!!!

The fuse seam joints have been a bit of a headache. On this one we tried a wet joint as we have been to scared to cut the mould to enable us to work on the seams. whilst the joint is sound, the overlaps have folded in places.
On the following fuse, we will try smaller overlaps and two pairs of hands!
Thanks for all the continued advice and support.